Our History
Our first gatherings were born out of a desire to not only fellowship together but also be obedient to the word of God.
The first meeting was held on June 7th, 1998. There were 11 friends and family gathered to share, pray, and worship. On June 24th of that same year, those who felt led to officially start the church voted to establish it with the name of the Nehalem Valley Bible Church.
At first, the Board of Elders and guest speakers filled the pulpit. The first official business meeting was held on July 15th, 1998 at which time it was decided to file incorporation papers and we were officially incorporated on July 28th, 1998. Later, the congregation voted to seek IFCA membership, and we were officially accepted into the IFCA on December 10th, 1998.
During all this time, the Lord had graciously allowed us the use of the HeadStart facility. We had rented office space downtown for a church office, redoing the space to make it suitable for our needs until such time as we could someday have a building of our own. Through a wonderful set of circumstances, God graciously allowed us to purchase the former Grace Reformed Baptist church building and on August 22nd, 2006 we held the first Sunday service in a new building. God had also graciously supplied the funds to fully pay off the building as well as to do extensive remodeling of the facility. We have been and continue to be awed by what God has done in our midst.
The church grew and a search for a full-time pastor was begun in October 30th, 1999. Jerry James was called to be the pastor and he and his wife, Lois, served until the end of January 2002. Roy Sprague was then asked to help us during our search for a pastor. Roy ministered to us from that time until April 20th, 2003 when we had the installment service for our pastor, Gary Taylor and his wife Diana who continue to serve the church.
On January 3rd, 2021 Mark Organ was installed as the new Senior Pastor. We look forward with expectation to God doing amazing things in this community. To Him alone be all the glory, honor and praise!
Our vision is too large to be crammed into a sound bite.
Quite simply, we want Vernonia to know our Savior as we know Him and to burn with a passion to share Him with others
We teach Christ crucified and raised from the dead.
We equip His church to live out their faith, daily.
We are a microcosm of Christ's Global Church. We are small but diverse. Our members are both young and old, single and married and every other demographical strata.
We are joined in our common purpose of glorifying God and bringing honor to His name.